On 1 December, the Fund’s hall hosted the closing ceremony of the final round of InteRussia fellowships of 2023. The fellowship aimed at scholars who study international relations was entitled New Global Challenges and Threats.
The programme was attended by 11 researchers from Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, Cambodia, Cuba, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Mongolia, and Serbia.
Sergey Orlov, Deputy Executive Director of the Gorchakov Fund, pointed out that the programme was eventful and expressed hope for future joint work with the foreign guests:
The programme was attended by 11 researchers from Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, Cambodia, Cuba, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Mongolia, and Serbia.
Sergey Orlov, Deputy Executive Director of the Gorchakov Fund, pointed out that the programme was eventful and expressed hope for future joint work with the foreign guests:
"Over the past two weeks, you have attended many events, the main one being the Primakov Readings. We are not saying goodbye to you and will be waiting for new proposals on organising events and writing analytical papers. We want to stay in touch and are glad to have friends like you!"
Vyacheslav Sutyrin, Director of the Centre for Science Diplomacy and Advanced Academic Initiatives, the MGIMO Institute for International Studies, noted that every new round of InteRussia makes a unique contribution to the expert discussion about international affairs. He also described how different InteRussia is compared to its foreign alternatives:
"The high professionalism of the participants allows not only to exchange ideas, but also to learn from each other for all of us, and here I mean the participants, scientific directors, and programme organisers. This reflects the spirit of our age: in today’s world it is becoming increasingly difficult to unilaterally impose your views and will on other countries. The basis of a multipolar world order is the ability and willingness to learn from representatives of different countries and civilisations."
The participants then shared their personal impressions of their trip to Russia and received event certificates.
During the fellowship, international researchers took part in scientific events of all-Russian scale. On 25-26 November, the fellows delivered their reports at the Youth Session of the Primakov Readings Forum. InteRussia participants also attended the Young Scholars Congress, where they joined researchers from the MGIMO Institute for International Studies to speak at the session called the Future of International Relations in the Era of Multipolarity: the View of Young Scholars from the Non-Western World.
At the end of the fellowship, the participants attended the 5th International Conference Global Majority in the New Realities: Regional Dimension organised by the Department of Foreign Regional Studies of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of Higher School of Economics with the support of the Gorchakov Fund. Participation in a series of major scientific forums allowed the fellows to introduce themselves to current research and start building institutional links between research and analytical centres in Russia and other countries.
InteRussia fellowship programmes are a unique opportunity to get to know the Russian agenda first-hand, attend lectures and workshops organised by leading media agencies, take part in partner events in the field of public diplomacy, and exchange experience with colleagues from different countries.
During the fellowship, international researchers took part in scientific events of all-Russian scale. On 25-26 November, the fellows delivered their reports at the Youth Session of the Primakov Readings Forum. InteRussia participants also attended the Young Scholars Congress, where they joined researchers from the MGIMO Institute for International Studies to speak at the session called the Future of International Relations in the Era of Multipolarity: the View of Young Scholars from the Non-Western World.
At the end of the fellowship, the participants attended the 5th International Conference Global Majority in the New Realities: Regional Dimension organised by the Department of Foreign Regional Studies of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of Higher School of Economics with the support of the Gorchakov Fund. Participation in a series of major scientific forums allowed the fellows to introduce themselves to current research and start building institutional links between research and analytical centres in Russia and other countries.
InteRussia fellowship programmes are a unique opportunity to get to know the Russian agenda first-hand, attend lectures and workshops organised by leading media agencies, take part in partner events in the field of public diplomacy, and exchange experience with colleagues from different countries.